Preventive examinations for women
Unfortunately, many women still do not realize that preventive health care is really important. It is no wonder that several thousand women die every year, most of whom found out about the disease that was devastating their bodies too late. The sooner, for example, cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chances that it will be cured. Below you will find information on what preventive tests women should perform at a given age.
Regardless of age, do these tests regularly
Some studies are closely related to women’s age. However, there are also those that do not depend on this factor and should be performed periodically. It’s mainly about:
general urine test,
blood count;
blood glucose levels;
a visit to an internist for general examinations – once a year – will also be useful;
lipid profile;
blood electrolyte levels;
visits to the dentist;
and visits to a dermatologist if our skin is susceptible to various types of skin lesions.
Let’s also not forget about measuring blood pressure.
Woman over 20 and preventive examinations
The most important tests that women in their 20s should undergo are:
systematic gynecological check-ups with cytology – once a year;
Abdominal ultrasound – every 3 to 5 years;
Chest X-ray – once every 5 years;
self-examination – at least once a month, a woman should check her breasts herself to exclude possible lumps.
What preventive tests after the age of 30?
In addition to the tests already mentioned above, a woman over 30 should also carry out:
Breast ultrasound – at least once a year;
eye examination – once every 5 years, unless we are dealing with a major vision defect that needs to be checked more often.
Preventive examinations for women over 40?
Every woman over 40 has an increased scope of preventive examinations:
gynecologist and cytology – once a year;
Transvaginal ultrasound of the reproductive organs – once every 2 years;
Breast ultrasound and mammography – once every 2 years;
thyroid level testing;
ECG – once every 3 years;
gastroscopy – once every 5 years;
densistometry test – checks the condition of the bones, which is useful in the case of detecting the early stage of osteoporosis.
Research on women over 50
This is the time when a woman enters menopause and the level of hormones in the blood decreases and the condition of the circulatory system and bones begins to change. In addition to the tests mentioned above, a woman should:
be under the supervision of an endocrinologist;
have a colonoscopy every 5 years.
There are quite a lot of tests that every woman should undergo as a preventive measure. Nevertheless, thanks to regular visits to the doctor, you can prevent the development of many diseases, especially cancers, which are still life-threatening, increasingly younger.